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€20.00 / d
Price includes 1 person.Extras:
  • Adults€20.00
  • Children 4-12 years€10.00

Reserve an island for yourself or your group !

Saimaa Canoeing offers private campsites specifically to fit the needs of kayakers/canoe paddlers.
Coming ashore is easy and the landing sites have been picked with paddlers in mind. Each island ca accomodat several canoes or kayaks with ease.
Each campsite is equipped with a fire pit and fire grill, dry firewood and kindling is available at extra price of 5 €/Box.
Several tentsites have been cleared and /or marked for clarity, so it is easy for you to find a suitable spot to pitch the tent.
The campsite is equipped with a modern, ecological outhouse, which is regularly maintained.
Firewood is stored in a shed and is ready for use immediattely.