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Good morning paddling tour in Sahanlahti Resort
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Wednesday mornings (21.6 - 9.8.2022) At Sahalahti Resorts 9 am, Duration 2 hours.


Take a good star to the day! Welcome to paddle with us and feel the sensations of morning. Easy paddling trip. No previous canoeing experience is required

Depeature: Sahanlahti Resort, Lietvedentie 830.
Time: Every Wednesday 9 am (21 June - 9 August)
Duration: about 2h
Level: easy
Price: €50/person (includes guidance and canoeing kit)

Reservations at the latest the day before by 6 pm
Tel. +358 50 5487 653 or info@saimaacanoeing.fi

Participants should wear sporty clothing that is suitable for the weather.

Trips will only take place if there are at least 4 participants.